Hair Restoration

Procedure Time 45-60 min

No time off work required

See results within 6-12 months

PRP for Hair loss

At the PRP clinic in Leeds, West Yorkshire,  our nursing team are specialists in PRP and PRF for hair loss restoration, with expertise in pre and post hair transplant PRP procedures. PRP treatment can help you to repair and regenerate your hair and our nurse specialists will be able to help and guide you through your hair loss journey.

What is PRP?

PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) concentrates the bodies own ability to create growth factors and stem cells to promote cellular regeneration of the hair follicles. This can be used by both men and women to restore and thicken hair growth. PRP Standard, Advanced PRP and PRF (the next generation of PRP) is very effective in restoring hair. It is routinely used during, and up to 6 months after hair transplant surgery to help root and strengthen the hair grafts and repair the existing hair follicles.

Main Points

  • Risk -                 Low Risk
  • Frequency -  3-6 sessions spaced 1                                             month apart
  • Cost  -                From £265*
  • Down time -  1 to 3 hours
  • Aftercare -      Full details of Pre and Post                                   care  instructions will be                                       given to you during your                                        free consultation.                                                  

100% Natural. Uses your bodies own healing power to repair and regenerate your hair and scalp to get more density, strength and vitality to your hair.

PRP for Hair loss

At the PRP clinic in Leeds, West Yorkshire,  our nursing team are specialists in PRP and PRF for hair loss restoration, with expertise in pre and post hair transplant PRP procedures. PRP treatment can help you to repair and regenerate your hair and our nurse specialists will be able to help and guide you through your hair loss journey.

What is PRP?

PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) concentrates the bodies own ability to create growth factors and stem cells to promote cellular regeneration of the hair follicles. This can be used by both men and women to restore and thicken hair growth. PRP Standard, Advanced PRP and PRF (the next generation of PRP) is very effective in restoring hair. It is routinely used during, and up to 6 months after hair transplant surgery to help root and strengthen the hair grafts and repair the existing hair follicles.

Main Points

  • Risk -                 Low Risk
  • Frequency 3-6 sessions spaced 1 month apart
  • Cost  -                From £265*
  • Down time 1 to 3 hours
  • Aftercare -      Full details of Pre and Post care                                        instructions will be given to you                                         during your free consultation.

100% Natural. Uses your bodies own healing power to repair and regenerate your hair and scalp to get more density, strength and vitality to your hair.

PRP for Hair loss

At the PRP clinic in Leeds, West Yorkshire,  our nursing team are specialists in PRP and PRF for hair loss restoration, with expertise in pre and post hair transplant PRP procedures. PRP treatment can help you to repair and regenerate your hair and our nurse specialists will be able to help and guide you through your hair loss journey.

What is PRP?

PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) concentrates the bodies own ability to create growth factors and stem cells to promote cellular regeneration of the hair follicles. This can be used by both men and women to restore and thicken hair growth. PRP Standard, Advanced PRP and PRF (the next generation of PRP) is very effective in restoring hair. It is routinely used during, and up to 6 months after hair transplant surgery to help root and strengthen the hair grafts and repair the existing hair follicles.

Main Points

  • Risk -                Low Risk
  • Frequency -     3-6 sessions spaced 1 month apart
  • Cost  -                From £265*
  • Down time -     1 to 3 hours
  • Aftercare -        Full details of Pre and Post care instructions will be given to you during your free consultation.     

100% Natural. Uses your bodies own healing power to repair and regenerate your hair and scalp to get more density, strength and vitality to your hair.

How Does PRP Work?

PRP and PRF is extracted from your own blood. It contains 10-20 times the amount of platelets usually found in your blood. The Platelets are very important cells that stop you bleeding when you cut yourself. They also release growth factors that attract and stimulate ste m cell production to the damaged area. These stem cells and growth factors work to repair the damage. When we inject the highly concentrated PRP into the scalp, the platelets activate to start the tissue repair cycle. The stem cells and growth factors then repair and regenerate the damaged hair follicles. 

Does it Hurt?

We use a very fine needle to inject the PRP into the scalp which minimizes the discomfort, and you can use a numbing spray to help with the discomfort. The discomfort is totable and wont last long. This process lasts about 10 minuets. Once the injections have finished there shouldn't be anymore discomfort. Most people don't have any pain or discomfort by the time they have left the clinic.

Who can have PRP and PRF For Hair Restoration? 

It can be used for all genders experiencing hair loss. However, you must inform us of any medications you are taking (including aspirin, ibuprofen and any vitamin supplements) also any medical conditions, as some will effect the PRP, or prevent you from being able to have PRP treatment. We also recommend not drinking alcohol and smoking for up to 7 days before and after having treatment. 
What Results Can I Expect?
Everyone is different, but we usually start to see results within 4-6 months. Your hair should start to thicken and become stronger. The best results are 12-18 months after the first procedure.  We suggest you will need PRP treatment once a month for 3-6 months to get the best results. Its recommended to have a top up once or 2, 3 or 4 times a year after the treatment, to maintain the growth. 
The best results are seen on thinning hair rather than full loss of hair. The hair follicle still needs to be alive and active for PRP to work. Where the follicle has died off and stopped producing hair, a hair transplant would be the best solution. PRP can then be used to help the transplanted hairs grow better and give the best results. 

Book your PRP treatment today to get thicker stronger hair. 

One of our nurses will provide a consultation by phone and then arrange an appointment for you.
Our nurses will contact you to discuss the treatment process and if necessary arrange a face to face consultation. Once this has happened and you are happy to proceed they will arrange a convenient time for your first session.

We advise that if you are taking Minoxidil or Finasteride and it has stopped the hair loss to keep taking it as this will prevent the build-up of DHT. PRP can be given alongside these medications.

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